OptiMicro Technologies Inc. is a computer consulting company with over 20 years of experience as a computer solution provider. OptiMicro is a Canadian company and has provided many solutions to meet Canada's business needs. Dental practice management is one of them.
We are working hard to keep your practice on top of today’s technology wave. To achieve this, DentalWare’s development team must first possess unparalleled knowledge of the clinical and economic demands of your practice. By working together with you, the development team is constantly improving DentalWare based on your needs, and your suggestions.
Because we so greatly value the input of our clients, we also put an emphasis on after sale support and training. Free training and technical bulletins on software upgrades are provided on a regular basis, and with certified technicians on standby, our technical support is there when you need it.
For more information about us and our services, please visit www.optimicro.com.